Kettlebell Level II Instructor

The sport of Kettlebell lifting is one of the most mind challenging and physically enduring sports known.

Learn the highly explosive movements of the kettlebell and the deep roots of the Sport of Kettlebell Lifting which has been used with multiple world class MMA fighters.These lifts are all based around athletic performance to create speed, power, explosiveness and structural balance within an athlete.

This workshop is for all athletes and coaches that are looking for that extra boost in their training regime. Learn exercises and training methods that will directly impact performance in your day to day activity and in the competitive field.

Profesional MMA fighter, Luke "Bigslow" Barnatt has been utilizing kettlebells in his preparation for his fights in ACB as a light heavyweight.

The versatility of kettlebells allow for unlimited circuits to be created which all involve a high level of athleticism, with a full functional carry over to any athletic endavour.